Hello readers. As the holiday season continues to roll on and the stresses of decorating and shopping are slowly sending you to asylum, take a little break and breathe. As you count to ten and repeat again, remember that this month is almost over and a new year is approaching. We all know 2013 will be jam-packed with new and exciting things on every front especially in the world of entertainment. From season premieres of some of our favorite shows to the Super Bowl, there's a lot to look forward to. To dig deeper into specifics, there's a plethora of things coming our way from
Beyonce aka King Bey and one of them is her self-directed documentary airing on
HBO. The buzz has been getting louder and louder and to keep the momentum high, I present to you a sneak peek of what's in store.
Disclaimer: Video may cause excessive squealing, yelling, crying, and disturbed stares from onlookers. ENJOY!