Friday, August 26, 2011

Derek Jeter's 5 Year Plan Doesn't Work With Minka

This post is for all the men and women who I shall break down into three categories: the haters, the supporters, and those who just didn't care. You'll find out which category you belong to as we get in depth with this post. Sources have confirmed that Derek Jeter and Minka Kelly have ended their 3 year relationship(they were together since May 2008). While no specific reasons were mentioned, it has been deduced to the fact that they both have increasingly hectic work schedules.

It's not in my nature to lie to you readers so I will proudly admit that I've spent some time being the ultimate hater offering very little support. Many of us women have been in love with Derek for YEARS and because women are known to be territorial, the minute we hear that a new woman has come into his life, we're ready to put on those boxing gloves and give her the beating of a lifetime. I was one of those women and couldn't find a nice thing to say about Minka. Men, I know you too harbored a bit of jealousy towards Derek when it first reported that he was blessed to be dating Minka. So, how do I feel about the split? You'll see.

As a person who is compassionate, mindful of the situation, and have been through a break up, I know that this is a difficult time for both parties involved although their split was amicable. Likewise, it does me no good to sit and stew in hatred over a woman who doesn't know I exist nor will probably never know who I am. Ladies & gentlemen, I'm talking to you as well. Don't spend your time gloating on this break up, it blocks your blessings and it reveals an ugly side of you.

To my supporters of this relationship since day 1, continue to project your hopes and optimism towards a reunion and never lose that fighting spirit even if this split is forever. To those who could have cared less, keep moving forward in your lives and treat this news as you would any other piece.

I wish Derek and Minka nothing but the best as they progress and grow older. May they both find love and happiness and never give up on love. Also, may we haters find a happy medium when our favorite stars decide to settle down with people who aren't us.


1 comment:

  1. now i can get with minka! oh wait a second, i've never cared. oh well. : )

    seriously, whatever happened it was probably for the best. it takes some time to recognize that if you've been in a breakup or a few.


Thank you readers for your comments for they are truly appreciated.