Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Thanksgiving Message Just For You!

Hello readers. As you all continue your prepping for Thanksgiving with copious amounts of chopping and seasoning or memorizing the aisles of your favorite department store as Black Friday approaches, I wanted to take this time to wish you and your families a happy Thanksgiving. As I sit here and type, having just washed my hands of brown sugar, garlic, and onions, I wanted to relay this message to you. Now, normally I would do my famous "Top 10"list but this year, I've decided to keep it short and sweet & take in all of my blessings. Because I'm always counting, it doesn't seem as daunting to sit back and reflect. I'm thankful for the basic necessities that aid in my life running smoothly. Having adequate health, shelter, clothing, and the ability to spread my knowledge through teaching high school students is always at the top of my list but I'm also thankful for the friends and family who continue to be positive influences in my life. Their love and words of wisdom are just what I need to help me be better. 

I'd also like to thank you my faithful readers who I keep coming back to see what new and interesting things I have to say. Although my posts may be sporadic, sometimes I don't write from months on end, when I look at the "Pageviews" in the Stats section of Blogger, I am in awe that you all are fascinated and drawn into what I have to say. It means a lot and here's to many more months and years of blogging about sports and entertainment.

As I wrap up, I hope that you all enjoy this day and all it has to offer. No one should be a "Negative Nancy" on a day that celebrates blessings & altruism. "Positive Pollyism"(yes, it's a made up word) should be rampant today so stuff your faces & if you like the New York Jets like me, let's cheer them on :).


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