Monday, July 9, 2012

How Would You Sum Up The 2012 HR Derby?

Hello readers. I am making this disclaimer first and foremost before I continue writing. Here goes: bear with me with this post because the content and the emotions may be all over the place. Tonight was the famed HR Derby and all the buzz and excitement was in the air as past Derby winners and newcomers sought the coveted trophy. New Yorkers were more than elated as our very own 2nd baseman, Robinson Cano, looked to repeat as champion. That seemed like all the hype needed to ensure a great outing from all but, nothing in baseball is complete without a little controversy. Let's back peddle for a few.

A few months ago, Robinson was names the AL Captain and his duties entailed recruiting fellow players to hit for the league. Considering that the All-Star Game and all it's festivities were being held in Kansas City, it's only fitting that a Royal would represent and have a chance to show out for their city. Things didn't turn out that way. Due to miscommunication and "no phone calls received", Billy Butler wasn't added to the list. As you can guess, this rubbed KC the wrong way. Things were about to get real. Let's fast forward to tonight.

As fans anticipated the first swing, we also knew what was coming....SHADE! KC fans didn't disappoint in that area as a barrage of boos hailed down on Cano. This may have shaken our boy bit because he posted up 0 homers. Oh yea, ZERO! I wasn't mad. I wasn't angry. I laughed because vitriol was being placed on a man who struck out on the chance to hit a homer for charity. Fans clearly missed that memo. Robinson took all in stride and didn't let it affect them dynamic of the game. I'm glad it didn't because LA Angel Mark Trumbo put on a show as well as Jose "we love to love/hate him" Bautista, and Prince Fielder.

The final round came down to Fielder and Bautista who showed up and showed out and it Prince who came out with the crown.

Congratulations to the 2x Derby winner Prince. To answer my own question, I can say that the Derby was interesting to say the least. Can't wait to do this again tomorrow with the ASG. You stay classy KC fans :)


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